July 7, 2024

Creating the Writing Habit

I used to be excellent at sitting down to write for at least two-to-three hours a day. That was before I started working full time. 

How do we create (make time for) our dream lifestyle habits while still working?

Writing, and writing this blog in particular, is one of my main priorities right now outside of work. When I first decided to return to blogging, I wrote four posts in one sitting. Actually, in one walking, since I was on a walk at the time. You never know when and where inspiration will strike, which is why it’s crucial to have a plan. Starting a new project is like going on a honeymoon – you feel like it will last forever – but it always comes to an end a little too soon. When the honeymoon ends, discipline must take over. 

I can feel it already, it’s Sunday and tomorrow I have to go back to work. Yes, I decided to work summer school this year. Obligations are going to take over my psyche and I’m going to be looking for writing opportunities like needles in a haystack. Instead, I’m going to try to look at the time I dedicate to writing like going on a secret rendezvous and stolen kisses. During the summer, these hidden getaways can be a bit longer than during the regular year, but I still must make a conscious effort to show up. And that’s the first rule – Show up!

If you’re anything like me, mood can be a bitch. Alongside mood, I also experience anxiety. I don’t always know why it’s there or what to do about it. I just let it be without giving it too much attention or meaning because that can’t go anywhere good. What helps sometimes is to hear what the anxiety has to say without judgement, fear, or a desire to get rid of it. If it had a voice, it would say things like, Why are you doing this? What makes you so special? Who’s going to read this anyway? What if you can’t keep up with posting once a week because you’re too overwhelmed? What tends to happen, and what is happening now, is that the anxiety lessens and now it’s gone. Though, it doesn’t happen this quickly every time. Just seeing what it is that scares you or hearing what gives you that feeling of unease can help burn that discomfort up in the light of seeing. Just some tricks of the trade I learned in this life.

So, what will this writing habit look like?

They say, it takes 40 days to change a habit. I’ve already built a consistent morning journaling habit, which may have to be replaced with the blog habit due to time constraints. I’ll find out tomorrow and the rest of the week. 

The plan is to write 30 minutes a day for 40 days. That should be about the time when I will be returning to the regular year schedule and the writing time will be cut by half. I must sit down to write, even if I’m just staring at the blank page, for no less than 30 minutes a day in the summer and no less than 15 minutes the rest of the year. If that means no relax TV time until that time gets put in, then that is what I will do. This plan also includes taking one day off a week. S**t happens.

Some of you might be wondering or questioning whether 15- 30 minutes a day is enough time to get any significant writing, or anything else, done? I’m a great believer in tiny goals. If you set it too high, you risk never doing it, making excuses, or quitting too soon. A good rule of thumb for determining the perfect time is to ask yourself, “Does it feel light or heavy?” Whichever one feels lighter is the right one. This is a trick I learned from one of my good friends and it works like magic. Originally, I was going to set the time at one hour, but then I thought about how I’m also taking salary point classes this summer and I need to do an hour of that each day in addition to working summer school. An hour felt a little too much. Then, I dropped it to 45 minutes and that still felt a little heavy. Half an hour, however, felt about right. 

Since I’m on the roll, some other habits I’m planning to include this summer are:

  1. Writing: 30 mins daily (1 day off)
  2. Weights/Stretch: 10 – 20 mins each morning
  3. Salary points classes: 1 hour (5x a week)
  4. Work-related: 30 mins (5x a week)
  5. Practice instrument: 15 mins (5x a week)

If you’re making your habit list, keep it where you can see it all the time. I plan to put mine in the kitchen for obvious reasons, right next to my vision board and some healthier eating habits that I’m targeting as well. 😉  

What habits are you trying to create or change? What’s been working for you?

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